Episode 30 - The Money Episode

Do client fees impact therapy outcomes? How should therapists talk with their clients about money? Should mental health care be a basic human right? We have lots of questions and few answers as today’s guest Arianne joins us to share her story of money tension in therapy. Plus, Carrie and Ben read listener mail, gripe about therapist Facebook groups, and debate the ethics of prioritizing income maximization over all else as a mental health professional.

VBT Copenhagen meetup: Ruby, tirsdag 17. december kl. 16:30

Show Notes:

Carrie Wiita

I'm an actor and blogger living in Los Angeles with my beautiful dog, Chance!


Episode 31 - How Important is Therapist Attachment Style? (with Jon Hook)


Episode 29 - VBT in History (1940s): Old-Timey Psychoanalysis Propaganda